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Light microscopy is routinely used in research and the diagnostic field around the world, enabling the visualisation of objects down to 250 nm in size.

Super-resolution (SR) microscopy is gaining ground over optical microscopy as it bypasses the diffraction limit and significantly improves the resolution capacity.

Funded by the European Innovation Council, the RT-SuperES project aims to develop an automated SR technology that offers the possibility of real-time imaging that can switch from conventional to SR fluorescence microscopy.

In the scope of RT-SuperES, we will use this SR system to study the differentiation of embryonic stem cells.

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Generation of an endogenously-tagged SNAP-tag-fusion proteins in mouse ESCs


Development of AI-driven adaptive microscopy and fluidics.


Development of a unique SR microscope that will smoothly offer multiple levels of resolution, compatible with both live and fixed cells.


Integration of the SR system into the high-content

imaging platform.


Using the SNAP-tag library to demonstrate automated high content SR imaging using RT-SuperES, to characterise at unprecedented detail, cellular states in ESCs, and to select individual clones for detailed examination.

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 European Union | Unity in Diversity


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